Magic Users/Clerics

In some settings, characters will have magic abilities. There are two options for handling magic in FlexD6 systems. Option 1 is very simple. Option 2 is also simple, but provides more guidance for the players.

Option 1

Magic users and Clerics need to have a skill in order use the ability.

Characters start with cast points equal to their applicable skill points + 4. To cast, describe the feat they are trying to perform and the Facilitator will assign an effort level based on difficulty.

Roll to perform the feat. After a successful test, roll 1d6. Reduce your cast points by 1 if the result is less than the Effort. Players cannot try a feat which requires more effort than current cast points. Characters will need to take time and study or pray to their deity replenish their cast points.

Clerics can heal an injury by rolling a Moderate Religion test.

Option 2

Some settings will have magic users and clerics. Magic users and Clerics need to have a skill in order use the ability.

Characters start with cast points equal to their applicable skill points + 4

Creating Spells

To create a spell, select or roll for an area of Focus. See the different areas of focus listed in the Magic Users and Clerics sections below. Next, combine the area of Focus with Actions to create high-level spells. Actions describe what can be done with the Focus. A single spell will have many different capabilities. For example, combining the Water Focus with the Alter Action creates the Alter Water spell. It is then up to the player and Facilitator to determine how they want to use the spell to alter water. The character could do something simple like evaporate a small puddle or more difficult like make a river flow backwards.

When finished, a spell will look something like this:

Alter Water

Magic Users

Magic users select 1 starting Focus. The source of the magic users power is determined by the setting.


Select from one of the following Focus areas (or make up your own if you like).

Air, Cold, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Light, Mind, Plant, Water 


There are two actions which are combined with the Focus:



Clerics select 1 starting Focus. The source of the Clerics power is determined by the setting. 


Select from one of the following (or make up your own if you like).

Mind, Body, Undead, Dead, Nature, Spirit


Clerics only have the Alter action as they interact with the world as it exists around them as opposed to creating things.



Follow these simple steps to cast a spell.

Step 1: Describe The Spell

Describe what the character is trying to do and what Focus and Action they are going to use. For example, using the Create Water spell to fill the pit trap with water so the trapped character can float to the top and get out. This simple description will determine which spell to use for rolling dice and the amount of effort.

Step 2: Determine The Effort

Casting a spell may use up spell points. The amount of points which could be used depends on the amount of effort it takes to cast. Something simple like filling a cup with water will take little effort. Something larger like creating a tidal wave would take a large amount of effort. 

Characters cannot cast spells which require more effort than the number of their current cast points.

Step 3: Roll

Roll the appropriate skill to see if the cast is successful. See Rolling Dice.

Step 4: Cost Roll

Casting spells may cost cast points. After a successful test, roll 1d6. Reduce your cast points by 1 if the result is less than the Effort. Players cannot try a feat which requires more effort than current cast points. Characters will need to take time and study or pray to their deity replenish their cast points.


When a spell inflicts damage on the target, the amount of damage is the # of successes in the roll. Targets will get a save vs. recurring damage (e.g. fire, cold, etc.).


Spells which have a duration like bless, calm, and charm will need to be worked out with the Facilitator on how long the effect should last.